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Paul Farah: Honored with the Mel Bergman - Section Diamond Service Award

Paul Farah (right) accepting the Mel Bergman - Section Diamond Service Award from USTA Midwest Board President, Jeff Stassen (left).
Paul Farah (right) accepting the Mel Bergman - Section Diamond Service Award from USTA Midwest Board President, Jeff Stassen (left).

We are proud to announce that our very own USTA/Midwest Tennis & Education Foundation Board President, Paul Farah, was awarded the USTA Midwest Section's highest honor, the Mel Bergman - Section Diamond Service Award. This award recognizes a volunteer for 10 or more years of unselfish and distinguished service. Named after Mel Bergman, a devoted volunteer and past USTA Midwest President who served on the USTA Executive Committee, this award celebrates exceptional dedication.

Paul Farah has served as a long-time volunteer for the USTA Midwest Section. A resident of Flint MI, Paul remains active locally with the Flint Community Tennis Association providing opportunities for all those wishing to play tennis. He also provides support for Special Olympics of Michigan in their tennis fundraising activities.

Following being President of the Northeast Michigan district, Paul served on multiple Midwest section committees and task forces, and as Delegate-At-Large. Additionally Paul served on the Midwest section Board of Directors for 10 years, including having been the longest serving Section President in its 128th year history. He has also served as an Officer and Director of the Midwest Tennis & Education Foundation (MTEF) and is currently President of the Foundation.

On a national level, Paul has been on a number of committees and task forces including both the Budget and Diversity committees. He is currently Chair of the Awards & Recognition Committee.

Paul Farah and Family
Paul Farah and Family

He is very proud of his family and his Cuban heritage. Paul, his wife Marcia, and their sons David and Paul, have been the recipients of the Midwest Family of the Year award.

Professionally, Paul is an executive automotive consultant who has led global and domestic projects. He was formerly a Global Director with General Motors and has run automobile dealerships. 

On a personal note, Paul has been a top ten backgammon player in the United States and is a lifetime member of the University of Michigan Alumni Association.

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